Love Perseveres!

For this cause we also, since we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knoweledge of God;
Note: What was Paul talking about when he said,"Since we heard it?" Paul had got the message that this church had much faith in Christ Jesus and showed much love to all the Saints, and then went on to say that they do not cease to pray for them that they would increase in the knowlegde of God. These people were doing what they were supposed to be doing, so why is Paul still pressing on for them in prayer?
In todays society, many people have fallen asleep in their walks. There is no retirement plan in the will of God, but there is a glorious life in the Spirit, walking with the Lord. I believe that the majority of christians today aren't experiencing the fullness of God. Christ Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through me." Our walks with Christ are a continuing process. He said, Pick up your cross and follow me. Many people dwell on past experiences, some dwell on the good, and others on the bad, but both hinder you moving forward. An ox that looks back isn't worthy of the plow. It didn't say why the ox looked back, it just says he looked back. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, by dying on the cross for our sins. This is where most people stop moving forward in life.

Allow His love to fill your heart, and we know His love by the cross, and that is all the love we need or could ever ask for. Our Joy comes from the fact that He has risen from the dead, defeated death, and with that power will also raise us up. So embrace the King who is worthy to be praised. Move forward in life by sharing His Love to the World, that they may also know Him. God's ultimate desire is that we abide in is Love. His two commandments are this, Love Him, and Love our neighbor.
Prayer: Father, I pray, that we will humble ourselves to you, that you may mold His into the image of your Son Jesus Christ. May we yield ourselves to your Holy Spirit, and allow Him to comfort us and bring us into the knowledge of your will. May we continue to seek your Face.