"The Christian Walk"

I know I have been out of pocket for a while, not writing much online. I have to apologize for that before I lay down my heart before you. Tonight in my quite time with the Lord, I have to say that He spoke to my heart. And here it is in my words, and I hope that you are blessed. I have felt as though I have been grieving the Spirit of God who lives in me. Often I am restless inside, and I am quick to just put it off as though it is because I am not trusting in the promises of God. Maybe sometimes, but I think often I am grieving Him because He is trying to guide me and I am wrestling with Him. I am resisting His guidance. In other words, I am being dis-obedient to God. Ignorance and procrastination are just not good enough excuses anymore.

I have to admit that in my quite time, God revealed to me that I often turn from spending time with Him, or serving Him, only to indulge in some sort of entertainment. Let's turn off the news, the sports, the video games, or even put up the fishing poles and pick up our bibles. Let us quit getting together for a movie, and let's have a bible study. Let us not go bowling this weekend and go evangelize. My brothers and sisters, I do not write this to you in order that I may bring you down, I write this unto you that you may be lifted up. That you may experience what your new life in Christ is to be centered on. You will never be happy as a Christian if you are not fulfilling your purpose; and that purpose is to be connected to God, worshiping Him and being a vessel by which He pours His Spirit into, giving you life and those around you. Do you want happiness? Peace? Know Him. Surrender your will over to Him and you will be lifted up. God gives grace unto those who are humble, but He opposes those who are proud. The choice is yours.

I want you to look at these definitions of "walk" and ask yourself: Am I walking in the Spirit, living for Christ? ...or am I walking in the flesh, living after the pleasures of this world?
In Scripture, to live and act or behave; to pursue a particular course of life.

To walk with God, to live in obedience to his commands, and have communion with him. Gen 5.

To walk in darkness, to live in ignorance, error and sin, without comfort. 1 John 1.

To walk in the light, to live int he practice of religion, and to enjoy its consolations. 1 John 1.

To walk by faith, to live in the firm belief of the gospel and its promises, and to rely on Christ for salvation. 2 Cor 5.

To walk through the fire, to be exercised with severe afflictions. Isa 43.

To walk after the flesh, to indulge sensual appetites, and to live in sin. Rom 8.

To walk after the Spirit, to be guided by the counsels and influences of the Spirit and by the word of God, and to live a life of holy deportment.

To walk in the flesh, to live this natural life, which is subject to infirmities and calamities. 2 Cor 10.