The Power of Weakness

-Author Unkwown-

In My Kingdom, I send the mouth of babes to still the avenger. I empower the foolish to confound the wise. The cowards are given holy boldness. The meek are raised to possess the spoils of war.

I do not intend weakness to shame. Rather, weakness is a mark of honor. For only through weakness can My full complete power rest upon your life. If I place you in an environment of weakness, it is because there is an assignment for you that will be hindered any other way.

The strength of flesh has no might in the unseen world. The enemy lies, telling the world there is strength in control, intimidation, debate, intellect, mastery. He puffs up man with these false securities, for darkness is desperately afraid of weakness. Weakness that empties self in any form leaves one vulnerable to depend upon Me. Within that dependence I am released to work greater victories to defeat the realm of darkness.

Rejoice in weakness. It is not something to fear. Rather glory in it, that My full miraculous power may be dispatched without hindrance.

I Cor 1:20-31, I Cor 2:1-5, I Cor 15:43, Heb 11:34

My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. II Co 12:9