Leadership Principles of Nehemiah By: Aaron Armstrong

Leadership Principles of Nehemiah

Leadership Principle 1- Nehemiah’s heart is stirred to serve. Here in the beginning of the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah’s heart is stirred up by God. God opens his eyes and heart to see the need for the reconstruction of Jerusalem’s walls. God has a distinct mission for our life, a specific calling in life in which He has prepared and equipped us for. Our part is to listen in order to hear His call, and then answer the call by stepping forward and taking the initiative to meet that need. It may be a vision, a stirring of your heart, or a burden to meet a need that the Holy Spirit has pressed upon your heart. (Neh.1:3-4)

Leadership Principle 2- Nehemiah was a man of prayer. Chuck Smith has quoted this before, “That any significant work of God is birthed in prayer.” So if we plan to carry out the work of the Lord, than we must walk in fellowship with Him continuously, that we may be led and filled with His Spirit and not of our own flesh. When seeking the Lord’s direction or divine will, we should seek Him by the example of others in the Bible. For example, Nehemiah and Daniel both decided to fast and pray when the load seemed to be dumped on them. This was because they both were men of God who knew that the only way to complete the task was to be separated unto their Master. Prayer and Fasting is a time to rid yourself of your flesh and draw close to the Lord your God! (Neh.1:4)

Leadership Principle 3- Nehemiah was a man of confession. He was not afraid to be open with the Lord about his sins and the sins of his Israel. It is important to know our inadequacy as human beings apart from God. Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit says the Lord…. It is in Christ that we can do all things! Let’s know our inadequacies in order that He receives all the glory! (Neh.1:6-7)

Leadership Principle 4- Nehemiah was a man who knew God’s Word. Paul wrote to young Timothy and said, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. It is important to live in God’s Word daily. Let it be your bread of life for each day. One who loves God’s Word is one who truly desires to carry out the will of the Father. The Word of God is our compass, and if we are leading others we better know where were going. (Neh.1:7-9)

Leadership Principle 5- We are all called to full-time ministry. Where ever God has placed us, we can know this for sure, that there is a service there that needs to be done. Many times we look on the other side, when in all actuality, there are needs all around us. Let God be the instigator if He sees fit to move you. Let Him reveal His Heart it to you. Then you won’t run in vain. (Neh 1:9)

Leadership Principle 6- Leaders must first know how to serve. Jesus said, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.” One of things I learned from my Lord is that you lead by example. Sheep are very skittish when it comes to- walking through a gate, but as soon as one of them builds up enough courage to take that first step through, they’ll go rushing through like a bunch wild football players charging the field. (Neh.1:10-11)

Leadership Principles 7- A leader is patient. It is important that we wait upon the Lord before we go charging into the next chapter of our life. Do you remember when the Lord was leading the Israelites out of Egypt with the Pillar of Cloud in the day and the Pillar of Fire by night. Well, we are His children as well and He longs to guide our ever-way. Nehemiah had to wait several months after he received word of Jerusalem’s fall before God opened the door for him to ask the king for permission to go help. (Neh 2:1-5)

Leadership Principle 8- A leader waits for the Lord’s timing. When we receive a vision from the Lord, it is important that we carry it out wisely. There are times when we are to act promptly on the matter, and then there are other times when we just say, “Ok Lord” then wait. God may reveal a matter to you, but it doesn’t necessarily mean He has equipped you for the task. Here is where we pray and fast to seek His perfect will, to know His heart on the matter. Allow God time to prepare you spiritually and physically.
(Ezra 8:21- Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions.) (Neh.2:11)

Leadership Principle 9- Be decisive to respond to an open door. There will be times when God will open the door wide open and we need to act on it swiftly and decisively. My father often quotes Paul’s famous quote, “Blessed are the sons of God, for they are led by the Spirit of God.” That is God’s Word and we can rest in that. Let’s trust the Lord to be the instigator of our hearts, the One who moves us. Don’t consider that strange, that is what happens in a relationship with your Father, you can act on certain things because you know Him and you know what He would have you to do if He were there. When I worked for my dad in the past, I was placed in a place of leadership, and often I was alone. When the critical times came and my father wasn’t there to answer me, I made my decisions based upon what I thought my dad would do if he were there. Even if I made the wrong decision, my dad was still happy because he knew my heart was to please him, and that’s all that matters. (Neh.2:12)

Leadership Principle 10- Be prepared with a plan of action. Let’s look into how Nehemiah carried out God’s plan of action. First He made three request of the king:

1. Permission- Nehemiah was patient by waiting until God moved the kings heart with compassion. And when the king asked about the matter, Nehemiah was honest and simply poured out his heart towards Jerusalem. Nehemiah received permission from the king to carry out the will of God. Again, here we see how God initiated the whole process.

2. Protection- Nehemiah was not shy to ask about all that he needed. Sometimes we feel like we don’t want to be a hindrance to the “BIG GUY,” just remember that God is the Big Guy and if He has called you to something, don’t hesitate to ask for your every need. Nehemiah requested that he be given all the authority in and throughout the land to ensure the safety of his people, and it was given to him.

3. Provision- Be prepared with the proper materials and tools needed for the task. This was another thing that Nehemiah requested before he left. Wow, it’s almost as if Nehemiah is not the type of guy to walk forward blinded or empty handed. He wants to know God’s provision before he puts his hand to the plow. He left with the blessings of the king upon him. As leaders, if there is a need that we need, we have a King who is ever waiting to open up the windows of Heaven and pour out His Blessings upon His children and the ministry He’s called them to. Nehemiah knew exactly where he was going, exactly what he was he was going to do, and exactly how he was going to carry it out. (Nehemiah 2:12)

Leadership Principle 11- Leaders recognize God’s sovereignty. We need to realize that no matter what situation we are in, God is forever sovereign. He is on His Throne, and He never takes his eyes off us. So when the enemy is breathing down your shoulder, just smile and know that our God is our Protector. (Psa 23:4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. (Nehemiah 2:18)

Leadership Principle 12- Leaders utilize solitude. In those quiet times when God seems to be silent, or maybe you hear that still small voice calling you, those are the times that we need to yield ourselves to the Saviors Feet. Utilize the extra time God gives you to draw close to Him. I believe God is looking for hearts who are turned to Him, seeking His Presence in their lives, seeking His provision, seeking His Glory. A brother in Christ once told me this, that we always preach and worry about tithing ten percent of our money to God, but you hardly ever hear of us teaching the Body to give God ten percent of our time. That is two hours forty and minutes a day. (Nehemiah )

Leadership Principle 13- Leaders assess the need. Leaders evaluate the situation before they dive in and get started. It is wise to assess all that needs to be done, assess the damages. Find out what walls have been torn down. In the Body, Satan will keep attacking the weaker or younger Christians who are more vulnerable to his attacks. If he can wound one sheep, cause a sheep to be offended, there is a wall there that will need to be tended to. We need to realize that there is a spiritual wall in our lives and in the Body Christ that has to be continually guarded. As leaders, we must continually assess those walls, guarding them night and day. Be aware of those around you, and when you see a brother who is beat up, depressed, down, or anything other than just being filled with the joy of the Lord, we need to come alongside of them and help them carry their burden. Gal 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Nehemiah2:19-20)

Leadership Principle 14- Keep from irresponsible chatter. As leaders, our goal is to edify the Body of Christ, to add life to the Body and not allow any room for corruption. Pro 15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. How by the same mouth can we give the Gospel of Christ and then turn around and backbite the Body of Christ. It has to bring tears to His eyes when He sees us attacking our own brother. (Nehemiah )

Leadership Principle 15- Leaders communicate to inspire action. When ever we see a need, we shouldn’t assume that others see it as well. Leaders don’t point the finger at what needs to be done, they inspire others by taking the first step towards the task. When they see the leader taking the initiative to work with their own hands, it will only inspire and convict them to the same.

Leadership Principle 16- Leaders recognize God’s provision. Let’s keep in mind God’s sovereignty when we talk about His provision. Everything has been put in the Hand of our King. All power has been given to Him by the Father. Leaders remember the Lord’s Hand upon their life and trust that he will continue to do in the future what He has already done in the past, and that is take care of our every need. If God is for us, who can be against us. Even Satan himself is subject to our Lord. When the enemy encamps around us and God is calling us to move forward, than put your hand to the plow and don’t look back. Know that God will provide for each step of the way. Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Leadership Principle 17- Leaders pray when dealing with opposition. In a sports tournament, the closer you get to the championship the harder the opposition is to face. You have tougher opponents and their fans are more intense than ever. Well, it’s the same with our walks with Christ, but we are not dealing with sports players and fans, we are dealing with legions of fallen angels and Satan himself. 1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour: So when we are mocked, persecuted, and ridiculed, we can understand where it is coming from. How does a leader counter-act, well Paul made it very clear that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Prayer is are weapon for battling the enemy. Remember that opposition is a promise to those who choose to follow Christ. Therefore STAND!

Leadership Principle 18- Leaders help those who are discouraged. A mature leader is one who realizes that his role is to tend and mend. It is not our role as a leader to beat the sheep. We help guide and take care of them. A leader needs to be intimate with his people, not separated. When a sheep is wounded we must pick them up and mend their wounds.
(Nehemiah 4:10)

Leadership Principle 19- Leaders prepare for battle. On your feet, standing firm as you wait for the next battle cry of the enemy, A leader must be sober and vigilant, awaiting the next attack. Enemies always wait for you to loosen your grip, then they strike. Nehemiah had people of all ages, gender, and position guarding the walls twenty-four -seven. Even the workers carried their weapons in one hand the their tools in the other. (Nehemiah 4:13)

Leadership Principle 20- Leaders instill assurance. People often forget the former trials and tribulations that the Lord has brought them through. As leaders, we should often remind the people of God’s faithfulness to them in the past, even unto their forefathers. Take them back through the Word of God and show them how the Lord provided for the children of Israel through the wilderness. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Read the Word of God straight to the people and their faith will be strengthened. (Nehemiah 4:14)

Leadership Principle 21- A leader keeps people on track. In verse 4:15, we see how quickly Nehemiah gets the people back on track. Messengers had come notifying them of the upcoming attack, and instead of withdrawing, Nehemiah just re-grouped, delegated the situation, and then pressed on. Never should the work of God cease. (Nehemiah 4:15 )

Leadership Principle 22- A leader reminds people of Christ’s return. We need to live our lives everyday as if Christ was coming home today and our wedding was tonight. Have you watched a bride on her wedding day, how she prepares herself for her groom. She has given herself solely to him, and her heart is prepared and willing to serve him all the days of her life. She is so excited about her new life in him. We should be excited and full of joy because we have a new life in Christ. (Nehemiah 4:18)

Leadership Principle 23- Leaders provide protection around the clock. Verse 4:22, “Let each man and his servant stay at night in Jerusalem, that they may be our guard by night and a working party by night.” As leaders, we need to be available, at any time of the day and night, to provide shelter and protection for the Body of Christ. That means we have to be willing to lay aside our priorities for the needs of others. (Nehemiah 4:21-22)

Leadership Principles 24- A leader gets the people in the Word. It is sad to see pastors and leaders who are seeking to bring revival to the Church of Christ by secular reasoning and methods. An unfruitful church is not lacking anything other than a spirit filled body, which comes from a pure relationship with Christ. And a pure relationship with Christ only comes through faith in Him, and faith comes by the hearing the Word of God. Get the people back into the Word, and you will see God in the people. God made it very clear that He holds His Word very high, even higher than His Name. (Nehemiah 8:5-9 )

Leadership Principle 25- A leader does not use the ministry as a means of gain. The only time recorded in the bible that Jesus showed any form of anger was when His Father’s house was being used for the profit of man. As leaders, our place of service in the church is that of serving souls. Whether they are saved souls or not, we should be a servant to all. Never should the church ask for anything other than ones “heart,” and it is to be given to the Lord. In the end times, Paul warns us of those who will use the cross of Christ as a means of gain. If the church or ministry is not able to function due to a lack of income, the problem lies within the vision of the church, either it is seeking more than the Lord has provided for, or it is totally off the tracks. One of the dangers of leading a ministry or being in a pastoral position is the sin of “BUILDING YOUR OWN MINISTRY!” I think it is easy to fall into the trap of striving in the flesh in order to gain God’s favor by building His kingdom. A leader recognizes that we already have God’s favor in Christ, and that we can not gain any more than we already have, because we have Jesus Christ. (Nehemiah 5:15)